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40. Wiseman, D.J. «Archaeology and the Old Testament». (See footnote 38). Vol. 1. p 325.

41. Pritchard, J.B. (Editor). Ancient Near Eastern Texts. Princeton University Press. Princeton. 1955. p 280.

42. Это было в 14-ый год единоличного правления Езекии в качестве царя. Он начал совместное царствование со своим отцом около 729 г. до Р.Х. Соответственно, Самария пала в шестой год совместного правления (4 Цар. 18:10). Следовательно, эти два отрывка (18:10 и 13) не противоречат друг другу. Cf.: The Illustrated Bible Dictionary. (See footnote 34). Vol. II. P.646.

43. Pritchard, J.B. (See footnote 41). p 288.

44. Horn, Siegfried H. (See footnote 39). pp 50,51.

45. Bruce, F.F. Paul: Apostle of the Heart Set Free. Eerdmans. Grand Rapids, Michigan. 1977. p 253.

46. Finegan, Jack. Light from the Ancient Past. Princeton University Press. Princeton. 1946. p 282.

47. Speiser, E.A. Genesis. (The Anchor Bible Commentaries.) William Albright and David Freedman, Editors. University of Pennsylvania Press. Philadelphia. 1964. PP 3,5(n).

48. Pfeiffer, Charles F. Ras Sharma and the Bible. Baker Book House. Grand Rapids, Michigan. 1962. p 61.

49. Free, Joseph P. «Archaeology». IN: Baker's Dictionary of Theology. Everett F. Harrison, Editor. Baker Book House. Grand Rapids, Michigan. 1960. p 62.

50. Gordon, Cyrus. «Biblical Customs and the Nuzi Tablets». Biblical Archaeologist. Vol. III. 1940. p 5f.

51. Finegan, Jack. (See footnote 46). p 55.

52. Driver, G.R. Canaanite Myths and Legends. T. & T. Clark. Edinburgh. 1956. p 121.

53. Sayce, A.H. «Melchizedek». Dictionary of the Bible. James Hastings, Editor. T. & T. Clark. Edinburgh. 1906. Vol. III. p 335.

54. Pfeiffer, Charles F. (See footnote 48). p 61.

55. Pfeiffer, R.H. Introduction to the Old Testament. Harper & Bros. New York. 1942. p 154; Т.К. Cheyne

(Editor). Encyclopedia Biblica. A. & C. Black. London. 1899. Vol. 1. 634.

56. Kitchen, K.A. (See footnote 34). Vol. 1. p 228.

57. Free, Joseph P. «Abraham's Camels». Journal of Near Eastern Studies. Vol. 111. 1944. pp 187-193.

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