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18. Stigers, Harold G. A Commentary on Genesis. Zondervan. Grand Rapids, Michigan. 1976. pp 67,68. 19. Price, Ira M. The Monuments and the Old Testament. American Baptist Publication Society. Philadelphia. 1907. p 89.

20. Stigers, Harold G. (See footnote 18). p 75.

21. Kraling, Emil G. Bible Atlas. Rand McNally & Co, New York. 1956. p 56.

22. Wiseman, D.J. (See footnote 17). Vol. 5. p 846.

23. Yadin, Yigael. Bulletin of the American Schools of Oriental Research. December, 1969. p 38.

24. Wilson, Clifford. That Incredible Book - The Bible. Word of Truth. Melbourne, Australia. 1973. pp 111-114.

25. Kelso, James. Archaeology and Our Old Testament Contemporaries. Zondervan. Grand Rapids, Michigan. 1966. p 107.

26. Frank, H.T. An Archaeological Companion to the Bible SCM Press. London. 1964. pp 164,165.

27. Wiseman, D.J. (See footnote 3). p 1131.

28. Theile, Edwin. A Chronology of the Hebrew Kings. Zondervan. Grand Rapids, Michigan. 1977. p 7.

29. Whitcomb, John C., Jr. and Henry M. Morris. The Genesis Flood. Baker Book House. Grand Rapids, Michigan. 1961. pp 371,374; Creation Reasearch Society Quarterly. June, 1970; Culp, G. Richard. Remember Thy Creator. Baker Book House. Grand Rapids, Michigan. 1975. Chapter 14.

30. Libby, W.F. «Radiocarbon Dating». American Scientist. Vol. 44. January, 1956. p 107.

31. Courville, Donovan A. The Exodus Problem and its Ramifications. Callenge Books. Loma Linda, California. 1971. Vol. 2. p 33.

32. Culp, G. Richard. (See footnote 29). p 170.

33. Rainey, Froelich. «Dating the Past». 1971 Yearbook of Science and the Future. Britannica. pp 390,391.

34. Kitchen, K.A. and T.C. Mitchell. IN: The Illustrated Bible Dictionary. J.D. Douglas, Editor. Tyndale. Wheaton, Illinois. 1098. Vol. I. p 269.

35. Kenyon, Kathleen. Archaeology in the Holy Land. Frederick A. Praeger, Inc. New York. 1960. p 32.

36. Davis, John and J.C. Whitcomb. A History of Israel - From Conquest to Exile. Baker Book House. Grand Rapids, Michigan. 1980. p 17.

37. Vardaman, Jerry. Archaeology and the Living Word. Broadman Press. Nashville. 1965. pp 28ff.

38. Archer, Gleason. «The Chronology of the Old Testament». IN: The Expositor's Bible Commentary. Frank E. Gaebelein, Editor. Zondervan. Grand Rapids, Michigan. 1979. Vol. I. p 366.

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