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1.Agafonov V.K. Zagranichnaia okhrana. - Petrograd, 1918.
2. Bobrovskaya C. (Tsetsiliia Samoilovna Zelikson) Provocateurs I Have Known. - New York, n.d.
3. Cole H. The Unprincipled Patriot. - New York, 1971.
4. Conrad J. The Secret Agent: A Simple Tale. / Eds.: B. Harkness, S.W. Reid. - Cambridge, 1990.
5. Delo A.A. Lopukhina v osobom prisutstvii Pravitel'stvuiushego Senata. - St. Petersburg, 1910.
6. Edwards S. The Vidocq Dossier: The Story of the World's First Detective. - Boston, 1977.
7. Emerson D. Metternich and the Political Police: Security and Subversion in the Hapsburg Monarchy, 1815-1830. - The Hague, 1968.
8. Emsley C. Gendarmes and the State in Nineteenth Century Europe. - Oxford, 1999.
9. Forssell N. Fouche: The Man Napoleon Feared, tr. Anna Barwell. - New York, 1928 [reprint, 1970].
10. Lemke M.K. Nikolaevskie zhandarmy i literatura 1826-1855. - St. Petersburg, 1909.
11. Lopukhin A.A. Nastoiashchee i budushchee russkoi politsii. - Moscow, 1907.
12. Malia M. Russia Under Western Eyes: From the Bronze Horseman to the Lenin Mausoleum. - Cambridge, MA, 1999.
13. Manceron C. The Men of Liberty: Europe on the Eve of the French Revolution 1774-1778. - London, 1977.
14. Monas S. The Third Section: Police and Society in Russia under Nicholas I. - Cambridge, MA, 1961.
15. Nikolaevsky B. Istoriia odnogo predatelia: Terroristy and politicheskaia politsiia. - Moscow, 1991 [reprint of the 1980 edition].
16. Palmer A. Metternich. - New York, 1972.
17. Payne H. The Police State of Louis Napoleon Bonaparte, 1851-1860. - Seattle, 1966.
18. Peterburgskoe obshchestvo pri vosshestvii na prestol Imperatora Nikolaia po doneseniiaem M.Ia. Focka - A. Kh. Benkendorfu. / Comp.: P.M. Doragon. // Russkaia Starina, 32 (1881), p. 550-551.
19. Proekt g. A. Benkendorfa ob ustroistve vyshei politsii. // Russkaia Starina. 104 (1912).
20. Psikhologiia predatel'stva (Iz vospominanii `sotrudnika') // Byloe, n.s., 27/28 (1924), 225-237.
21. Riasanovsky V. A Parting of Ways: Government and Educated Public in Russia, 1801-1855. - Oxford, 1976.
22. Ruud Ch., Stepanov S. Fontanka 16: The Tsars' Secret Police. - Montreal, 1999.
23. Schleifman N. Undercover Agents in the Russian Revolutionary Movement: The SR Party, 1902-1914. - New York, 1987.
24. Schneidermann J. Sergei Zubatov and Revolutionary Marxism: The Struggle for the Working Class in Tsarist Russia. - Ithaca, 1976.
25. Squire P. The Third Department: The Establishment and Practices of the Political in the Russia of Nicholas I. - Cambridge, 1968.
26. State Historical Archive of the Russian Federation (GARF), Moscow.
27. Stead Ph. The Police of France. - New York, 1983.
28. Stepanov E. Iz zagranichnykh vospominanii starogo narodovol'tsa. // Katorga i ssylka. 24 (1926).
29. Tikhomirov L. Zagovorshchiki i politsiia. - Moscow, 1927.
30. Wilson. Diderot. - New York, 1972.
31. Wortman R. The Development of Russian Legal Consciousness. - Chicago; London, 1976.
32. Zhilinsky V.B. Organizatsiia v zhizni okhrannogo otdeleniia vo vremena tsarskoi vlasti. // Golos minuvshego, 9-10(1917)
33. Zuckerman F. The Russian Political Police at Home and Abroad (unpublished Ph.D. dissertation, Columbia University, 1973).
34. Донесения Андреева директору Департамента полиции, 4/17 июля 1909 - GARF, 1723/2/34, sheet 231.
35. Донесения Рачковского в Петербург - GARF, 5802/2/267, sheet 5.
36. Меморандум Дурново, 17 января 1890 - GARF, 5802/1/207, sheet 30.


Charles A. Ruud

Department of History
University of Western Ontario,
London, Ontario, Canada, N6A 5C2

Threats to state security stirred by the cross-border activities of revolutionaries and the widening reach of the printed word caused police officials, Europe-wide, in the late eighteenth and nineteenth centuries, to attempt to systematize covert counter-measures into a science. Although that effort seldom figures prominently in general studies of modern Europe, heads of government all across the political spectrum consistently made important tacticians of their security chiefs, who just as consistently adopted methods that worked for their counterparts elsewhere. This study "Crosscurrents of French, Austrian, and Russian Security Policing, 1750-1900," was published in "The Cultural Gradient: The Transmission of Ideas in Europe, 1789-1991," (eds. Catherine Evtuhov and Stephen Kotkin, Rowman and Littlefield Publishers, Lanham, 2003). This book honors the scholarly work of Prof. Martin Malia, who was a leader in the development of Russian studies at the University of California in Berkeley. The authors are all students, colleagues and collaborators of Professor Malia. [c.75]

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Рууд Ч. Взаимодействие политических полиций АвстроВенгрии, Франции и России политологии 10 полиции
Взаимодействие политиЧеских полиций австро венгрии

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